Ekonomiaren Garapen, Jasangarritasun eta Ingurumen Saila


BTEK, Science and Technology Meeting Place

BTEK is in the Bizkaia Science and Technology Park. The interpretation centre is at the Derio industrial estate, Building 602. It is the meeting place for pupils and science and technology and also aims to be so for the general public and Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, as well as for daily life and R&D&I. The centre's objective is to promote scientific and technological culture and, at the same time, attract young people to studying science and technology.

The first steps to set up the interpretation centre were taken in 2005 and, in 2007, the Ministry of Education supported the project by signing a cooperation agreement with BTEK. Bizkaia Science and Technology Park invested 11 million euros in the BTEK building and installations.

Architect Gonzalo Carro wanted the BTEK building to be a landmark. It has two pyramid-shaped volumes – which are separate above the earth but come together beneath it – which fit in with the countryside and surroundings. The BTEK building has won several prizes: The ArchDayly 2009 prize for the best cultural building; runner-up in the COAVN 2010 prize and runner-up at the NAN 2009 prize, amongst others.

BTEK Bizi Teknologia, Astondo Bidea, 602 – Derio (Bizkaia) -(+94) 4039500



All the stages in materials' life cycles are important

Click! Clack! Recycle! This schools competition was set up in order to make pupils aware of each person's and the whole of society's responsibility to protect the environment. The competition has been held for the eighth time this year and is part of Bizkaia Regional Government's "Initiative Programme for Sustainable Education ", which, in turn, is part of Agenda 21.

This year's competition is for 1st and 2nd Year Primary Education and 1st Year Compulsory Secondary Education pupils and the subject is materials' life cycles. Several practical activities are included, divided into seven sessions, with the objective of pupils understanding the importance of each phase in materials' life cycles.

Finding out about Nanotechnology

Bilboko Berritzegune Nagusia (Bilbao Innovation Centre) gives detailed information about nanotechnology in this didactic unit. It is thanks to nanotechnology that we know that all materials are made up of atoms, and it has also enabled us to acquire many other types of information: for instance, the relationship between surface and inner particles, factors which influence reaction time; the nature of properties at nano scale; the use for nanotechnology; and connections between nanotechnology and health. All of this will be understood during the course of this didactic unit. 

Women's Unnoticed Presence in Science

It is often said that science is male-centred: in other words, only what men do in science counts. But women, too, have done considerable work in the science area, even though it has all gone unnoticed. Why are we not aware of work done by women scientists? Is there no equality in the world of science today? Marta Luxan (an expert in demography), Arantza Urkaregi (doctor in mathematics) and Teresa Nuño (doctor in chemistry) spoke about this at the IDEMtitate conference.

Using Technology to take care of the Environment

We live in the digital age and both young people and adults use technology and, of course, the advantages which technology offers for taking care of the environment must be made use of because many things can be achieved thanks to technology. The “Generación web” television programmes explain the influence of technology on today’s young people, but in this video the subject is technology and the environment: more exactly, it explains the many uses for technology in taking care of the environment. As can be seen in the video, many advances can be made for taking care of the environment thanks to technology.



Citizenship, Technology and Culture

“Ciudadanía, tecnología y cultura” is a book which Francisco Sierra (lecturer at the Communication Faculty) has published, and he explains that a model for social intermediary functions must be achieved. Several events have happened in recent years, for instance the 15M movement in Spain. Such events lead us to examine things critically and create an information network and knowledge ecosystem. This book gives readers information about many of these areas: social movements' new points of view, initiatives carried out by small groups and young people, the theory of cyberdemocracy… In this book the writer's objective is to build a critical theory which takes digital culture into account.

Guidebook for Assessing Products' Environmental Impact

In this guidebook various steps for assessing products are set down and, then, measures for designing products in a different way in order to protect the environment more. We produce more and more products in a more efficient way, but it should be taken into account that we are also consuming more, and that impacts the environment. Therefore we need to be aware of our environmental behaviour and develop new ways of manufacturing products.

In short, we must take the environment into account when we design products: we must eco-design our products. This guidebook helps to make it possible to renew all the companies which design products. 

See the publication

SINC, a Site for News about Science

This website, opened five years ago, offers all the news about science. Science, biomedicine, mathematics, physics and chemistry, social and political science, all of these subjects are covered on the site; in all cases from an environmental perspective. This is the first public agency in the state which is specialised in science, technology and innovation. News, features, interviews and audiovisual materials (videos, photos, illustrations and computer graphics) are prepared by the team and this information is provided to journalists, scientists and the general public so that they have all the latest on the world of science. Many researchers work with the agency and re-examine all the information: the web's values are being up-to-date, precise and having reliable contents.


European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency is an EU institution. It started work at its Copenhagen headquarters in 1994. The agency provides independent information about the environment and at present 33 countries are members. The main source of information is for developing, accepting, putting into practice and assessing environmental policies for the people in charge of them and for the general public.

The agency's most important customers are EU institutions and countries. It also provides various other institutions with its services: for instance, social and economic committees and local committees. The agency works to achieve two-way communication in order to identify the information which users need and make sure that the information given is understood and made use of.       


Last modified date:  21/01/2016