Ekonomiaren Garapen, Jasangarritasun eta Ingurumen Saila

nº 44.

And what about the family?

Our Forest, a Family Space that needs help


Especially distressing is the situation of the English oak, Quercus Robur, a species that has lost 95% of its original surface area and on which the Lurgaia Foundation has focused its efforts. Through the 'Quercus Programme', those responsible seek to conserve and restore native forests through initiatives such as the preservation of the guarantee of origin of the plant, volunteering as a form of citizen involvement or land management in different options, which include buying acres or so called land stewardship. Three forms of collaboration adapted to anyone who wants to do their bit. What better way to contribute to improving our natural environment than enjoying a pleasant family activity?

We must be aware that the recovery and conservation of these ecosystems not only means a favourable improvement of plant species but also generates important benefits for humans. For example, forests help us fight climate change, their vegetation and soils store large amounts of carbon; they maintain good air quality for us to breathe; they control soil erosion and regulate the return of water to the atmosphere, thus preventing flooding; they provide food (wild fruits, wild mushrooms...), firewood or wood for different uses; or they offer numerous opportunities for recreation, among other advantages.

Atlantic forests, although present in the Basque Country, are one of the rarest ecosystems in our environment. For centuries, various human activities have led to a gradual reduction of the spaces occupied by oak woods, alder groves, beech woods or holm-oak groves to reach current worrying levels: native forests cover only 20% of their potential area.


Objectives of the Quercus Programme:

  • To conserve and restore natural forests
  • To preserve genetic forest characters
  • To maintain the biodiversity of these ecosystems
  • To involve private entities in the conservation of natural heritage
  • To educate, encourage and engage people in the conservation of nature
  • To disseminate and inform about the importance of these ecosystems

Lurgaia Foundation
Tel: 944 05 21 86 - 656 70 34 96 - 606 14 18 37
@ / www.lurgaia.org
Apdo. de correos 20052, 48014 - Bilbao - Bizkaia