Ekonomiaren Garapen, Jasangarritasun eta Ingurumen Saila

nº 44.
Cuaderno de Bitacora
Excursions for Learning


Pupils of Haztegi Ikastola in Legazpi have had the opportunity to learn about the ecosystem around them through different excursions to visit their natural environment

Biodiversity as the backbone has marked the environmental education of students at Haztegi ikastola in Legazpi in recent years. During the 2012-2013 school year, the aim was to get closer to the subject from an essentially theoretical point of view that led to, over the following year, numerous practical activities to analyse the problems affecting biodiversity. With the objective for the students to be able to link the concepts incorporated in the theory phase with the natural environment around them, these were developed outside the classroom, going to those places that were studied.

Among the various initiatives was 'The services offered by an ecosystem' (Ekosistema batek eskaintzen dituen zerbitzuak), which led those involved in the action to Mirandaola park. One afternoon, the two groups of secondary school third year students visited an area chosen for the variety of options it offers: culture, forest, vegetable gardens, rivers, country house, leisure...


Before going to the park, the tutors met with delegates from both classes to explain the purpose of the initiative and, once there, it was these delegates who carry the main weight of the activity. After analysing the area where they were, the researchers collected the information needed to fill out the following table:



On the other hand, the trip entitled 'Dead trees full of life' (Zuhaitz hilari bizia dario) led this same year of Haztegi ikastola to analyse different dried-out trees in a nearby forest. Trying to find out what function these supposedly inert elements perform led them to realise that these trunks are home to numerous species and inside them there are a large number of living beings.

Finally, the Secondary School first year students did not missed the opportunity to participate in this project. 'The analysis of the river' (Errekaren azterketa) helped to analyse, in a similar way as in the Basque Government Ibaialde program, the river closest to the school.

Those responsible for the initiative, led by the coordinator of School Agenda 21 at the school, Maite Odriozola, are optimistic about the results of a plan that, in addition to serving as a space for interaction outside the classroom for students, allowed them to see firsthand everything they had studied. Due to the success of the experience, they also believe they should maintain such actions in following years. It may seem a lot at first but they are positive for students, with these exercises they learn more than we think.